Sunday, January 6, 2008

Ninja Kitty Attacks!

OK. Dad ordered Domino's which means he ordered chicken with the pizza. However he isn't eating it. Maybe he is afraid that Ninja Kitty will attack.

It was a couple of months ago and Dad got chicken. It was the perfect opportunity for me to both drive Dad nuts and get chicken at the same time. I donned my Ninja Kitty personality and planned my attack. If I sat on top of the bookcase, he wouldn't know I was there. Then I could jump down and snatch the chicken on the way down.

It worked too. I managed to grab a nice big chicken wing and he didn't even know it! The only thing that gave me away was my stupid brother Loki. He tried to take it from me but I wouldn't let him. It took a lot of planning and guile on my part and here Loki was trying to take my loot. Oh no, I wouldn't allow that! So I growled at him saying "mine!" That's when Dad heard me, came into the room, and discovered that I took his chicken. Of course, he couldn't have that and took the chicken away from me. Bah.

This time, I'm prepared. I plan on locking Loki up in the bathroom the next time Dad has chicken. Oh yes, the chicken will be mine with no interference from Loki. Mine. All mine. Mwuahahaha.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Hey~~ Great movement~!!!
I wish you could get the tasty chicken soon~!

Kaz's Cats said...

Well, you're definitely the brains of the family - you deserve all the chicken you can "reassign" to yourself.


Gypsy & Tasha

Lux said...

I wish you all the best with your new plan - we got some chicken last night and it's AOK! :)

Christine and FAZ said...

Good luck with getting some chicken. I thought your last plan was excellent, shame you know who spoiled it for you. FAZ

Anonymous said...

Excellent plan! I usually snag stuff with a swift paw to the plate. The kittens work together - one of them climbs up the person's shoulder, then the other grabs the food off the plate while the person is trying to remove claws from shoulder. Grr and Cocoa just sit politely and wait till food is offered. They're odd.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

We cats have to always think up devious ways to get chickhen or something away from the humans.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

You could always do like Charmee does an' sit on the pizza box.

Mr. Hendrix said...

ha ha ha that is awesome! if you dive his hoo-has first he can't chase after you to get the chicken back. oooooooohhhhhh, you mean "nuts" like "crazy" my bad. still, my idea works too...

maybe next time you snatch chicken you should throw some Loki's way so he won't tattle. kinda like hush money.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hahahaha!! ninja cat!! You are too cool.
I am tagging you for a meme. Have some fun.
Purrs Georgia

Motor Home Cats said...

Tiki stole a piece of our mom's chicken the other night, and she gave it to all of us to share. She said it was only right since we managed to get into the closed container.

Maybe your dad should reward your cleverness.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Karen Jo said...

That is a very good plan, Monkee. I hope you get some chicken soon.

Parker said...

Next time, you shall succeed!